First name Pál
Sirname Lukács
Place and date of birth Cegled 28/02/1971, Hungary
Address 2700 Cegled,  Hungary
Temporary address 1114 Budapest Bartók B. út 17. Hungary, Phone: +36-1-463-3621
Marriage status engaged
Present place of work TUB Department of Automobiles 1111 Budapest, Sztoczek u. 6. J. 5.em. Phone : 463-17-53, Fax : 463-39-78 E-mail:

1994-1996 Ph.D. student in the Department of Automobiles
My research field is the recycling of vehicle, but I dealt with material science and vehicle dinamic too. I pursue studies in the field of control technique and digital measuring technique. I obtained knowledge in the field of compute 
1989-1994 Student in the Technical University of Budapest
I studied in the Faculty of Transportation in the Section of Road Vehicles. I wrote my thesis on Vehicle-recycling. I obtained a scholarship in the Department of Automobiles
1985-1989 High School and Secondary Technical School for Motor Traffic, motor traffic branch
I was well placed on the National Professional Schools Competition and so I was automatically admitted in the Technical University. I passed my final examination with very good results
Knowledge of languages Intermediate Level State Exam in German, English (reading, speaking in progressive level)
Knowledge of computer technique Matlab, UNIX, TEX, LATEX, Pascal, Windows applications (e.g. : Word 6.0, Excel, Visio, Corel Draw ...)
Driving licence A, B category (since 1989)
Scientific activity Diploma thesis - Recycling of vehicles, 1994 Budapest, I wrote my thesis about the vehicle recycling. I studied waste management and processing methods. My diploma thesis results was very good.
Interest Environment, vehicle-suspensions, artificial-neural-networks, plastic-coatings, modern planing theory